The Zeus Arc GT3 Electric is a 3rd generation vaporizer that has reinvented traditional sessions by providing everything you need to start vaporizing quickly and conveniently in one tidy package for dry herb. This is the premium version of the Zeus Arc S Hub, it features a gold heating chamber, GoldSink Technology, and the ability to load herbs straight into the device or load the ArcPods directly.
The GT3 provides a new outlook on convenience by allowing users to automatically prepare their ArcPods using the new Xtruder E Module. The new Electric Module sits on top of your Xtruder and auto grinds and loads your herb into the ArcPods. With this revolutionary system, even absolute beginners can load dozens of ArcPods with little to no effort.
Zeus also designed different accessories like the Zeus Waterpipe Adapter (Sold separately), making the device compatible with Bubblers and the Iceborn. The added water filtration adds another layer of quality to this premium vaporizer arsenal.